Today is march 14, 2010. In a few days I will attach some photos Angie took of the new cabins and meeting room at the camp. I estimate we are about 75% complete on these buildings. They are looking good!
My book to recommend for this month is "The Radical Christian" by John Stott. This is the last book to be written by John Stott, one of the leading Christian authors, and it is excellent. See what you think.
My song of the month is "The Purple Robe" by Jeff and Sherry Easter. I heard it on Enlighten, the Sirius/AM satellite station and have been trying to locate it on the internet.
Enlighten plays Southern Gospel Music.
Our enrollment for summer, 2010, is going well. We have 3 churches/schools coming including Prestonwood Baptist Academy, Park Cities Presbyterian Church and Highland Park Presbyterian Church. The first is in Plano, Texas and the next two are in Dallas, Texas.
We are also planning to have our Armed Forces camp again this summer, probably the 3rd month of august.
We have had some nice gifts for new backpacks for our wilderness program. We are hoping to raise $6,000 to buy 50 new backpacks.
The temperatures at Sky Ranch at Ute Trail are beginning to warm up and some of the snow is melting. In April we will have the meadows greening up and the ranch will take on a different look.
Thank you for your interest.
George Seay