Today is April 6, 2010.
Attached are some pictures taken by me in late March of our 5 new cabins and meeting room with the names we have chosen for these buildings. The buildings are about 90% complete and looking good and within our goals for the appearance of the camp.
The person I would like to thank and mention this month is my brother, John Seay. John has been involved with me at Ute Trail Ranch since the two of us went up there in December of 1970 and met Hop Hopkins and explored the ranch in his jeep in the snow. John has been one of our leading financial supporters as well as a person who has always encouraged me to keep working on the camp and the programs for youth. Also, Johnny's family has been supportive. His wife, Judy, has done numerous art works we have there, his son, Mac, was the Ranchhand in 2003 and his son, David, is currently building all of the furniture for our 5 new cabins. John's daughters, Aileen and Stephanie, have also been involved for some time.
John will be driving all of the new cabin furniture to Sky Ranch Ute Trail in early May after David completes it. David and his fiance, Jessica, will be getting married this coming June at the the Seay Farm at Gunter, Texas.
We would not have been able to accomplish much without this valuable help over the years. Thanks, Johnny and family!
My book review for this month is "Three Cups of Tea" by Greg Mortensen. It is the story of a mountaineer who attempted to climb K2 in the Himalayas but did not reach the top. On the way down he stopped in a Paskitan village and saw the need for a school and promised he would build one. He built it at Korphe and since then has built many more in Pakistan and Afghanistan. (over 60 I think). He is fighting terrorism one school at a time. The book is excellent and I highly recommend it to you.
We are close to opening our new website for Ute Trail Ranch. It will have links to Sky Ranch Ute Trail, a history of Ute Trail Ranch, good pictures, a way to support the camp and some other useful tools for visitors. We are excited about it and Angie has been working hard on it with Thomas and Kevin and Laura Sipp.
If you like Southern Gospel music there is a good station on Sirius XM satellite radio. It is channel 67 and called Enlighten. there are two other good gospel music stations also on Sirius XM.
Working with the Sky Ranch Board of Directors for Sky Ranch Ute Trail has been a pleasure for me. Michael Jackson, Stacy Davis and Whit Roberts have been very supportive and enthusiastic and are one of the main reasons things are going well. Thank you, Michael, Stacy and Whit.
I would also like to thank my family for their support. Nancy Seay, George Seay III and Sarah Seay and Pauline and Austin Neuhoff have been great! And my sister, Edith, has been a big help with typing, crafts, signs and other areas.
Pictures will be added in a day or two.
Enjoy spring and thanks for reading this blog.
George Seay