Monday, December 14, 2009

View from the A Frame

Today is December 14, 2009. I am going to Ute Trail Ranch on Saturday, Dec 19th. I will take pictures of the construction and post these on this blog next week. The cabins should be framed up by now.

Our caretakers, Bill and Ann Carpenter, are back living at the camp which pleases me. I hope they are enjoying the beautiful snow we just had.

I have a book to recommend to you. It is "The Earth is the Lord's, Christians and the Environment" It is written from a Southern Baptist Conference in 1991 and gives a good perspective on Christians' responsibilty for the environment. It discusses how the central idea in the bible about stewardship is that God is the Creator and Owner of all that exists. We are stewards and/or trustees. We are responsible to God for how we treat the earth and its resources. This perspective is helpful when trying to make decisions about the environment today. This book was written in 1991 and is more important today than it was 18 years ago. You can order this on or let me know if you are interested in having a copy.

Last Tuesday, December 8, 2009, my aunt, Sadie Seay, died at the age of 94. She and her late husband, Charles E. Seay, my uncle, owned Ute Trail Ranch from 1978 to 1993. They were gracious to give us some time in 1993 to consider repurchasing the ranch and I am so grateful to them that we were able to buy it back. It has been a blessing for me and my family to be able to own the ranch again and to work on the Christian camping ministry that is there. The Seays were giving people who helped thousands of people in the areas of medicine, education, recreation, the arts and also friends to stray animals through Operation Kindness. They were two of the most important people in my life. I miss them and their son, Charles Seay Jr, who predeceased them.

When I return I will post my pictures of our construction progress. Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

George Seay