Sunday, July 19, 2009

Hi everyone, today is July 19th and my wife, Nancy and I are at Ute Trail Ranch.  Today is the hottest day I remember in 2009.  The high will be around 76 degrees.  Today is Sunday and 6 new families are coming to the camp and 2 wilderness groups are coming in today.  We already have a Quest/Sigma group here.  They went rock climbing yesterday at Hartman Rocks in Gunnison.

We have just got our computer to work after a week of frustration.  Dave Hoffman, who worked with Nancy on John Stott Ministries helped us get it working.  Dave and his wife, Leanne, and their daughter, Lexi, are visiting us for three days.  Dave is a good fisherman and has caught 9 fish the last two days, one a rainbow about 19-20 inches long.  His other catches have been rainbows and browns from 14 to 18 inches.

During the summer we are working on the new water treatment plant across the highway near the cliff going down to the river.  This plant is a major undertaking and should be completed in November.  We have had a good deal of rain and everything looks green and good.  

The staff this summer has been excellent.  They are hardworking and dedicated to their jobs of helping others enjoy a good time at camp and have a positive Christian experience.  

We just completed an adventure trip where our wilderness guides took a group to do three things, backpacking in the Crested Butte area, kayaking on Blue Mesa Reservoir and then rafting on the Taylor River.  It was enjoyable and successful and I hope we have more of these.  We are open to working out plans and schedules that the groups want to do.

I have been working on getting our sprinkler system operating right for a month and a half now and I have started doing things manually.  I hope I can get some more green in our new soccer field and around our pond.

The horseback program is going well and our wrangler, Collins, is a good leader for our riders.  We hope next summer we can add to our number of horses and have two wranglers.

Bill Zukoski and his wife, Karen, and daughter, Amy, were here last week and added a lot to our family camp as they did last year.  Bill is the founder and director of Practice Ministries, a Dallas Bible study for parents and children.

We have a recycling program at the camp now where we recycle all of our plastic, paper, glass and other items.  We hope it sets a good example for the guests we have.  Another addition to the camp is new rocking chairs for the cabin decks.  Everyone is enjoying these.

In my next blog I will cover the final plans for what we will do this fall and winter to improve the camp further.


George Seay Jr., Co Trustee
Ute Trail Ranch Foundation

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